The blog has been dormant since the Sir Cecil Creape posts due to general all around busyness. We had to go back to the office which means I now have to commute 3 hours a day again. It didn't use to bother me so much before Covid, but now it's quite torturous. I did get a few days off of late, but that was so I could go see Billy Strings play a 3 night stand in Nashville. The first 2 shows were at Bridgestone and the last took place at the Ryman. All 3 night's were incredible, but going to Nashville 3 days in a row was a little tiring. If you've never seen Billy Strings live I highly recommend it.
Now for the title of this post. It's derived from the Ramones song "Carbona Not Glue" which was taken off the Leave Home album after the company which manufactured Carbona threatened to sue them. At least I think that's the story. My laziness is such today I don't even want to fact check myself. Feel free to comment if you find my story inaccurate.
This isn't about the Ramones though. Man, I miss those dudes, but we've still got the tunes. This is about my poor bald head. I typically don't think much of it. Sure, I think about getting a wig like Theo Von's sometimes.....that is a wig he's wearing, right, but it's a fleeting thought. What I think I really need is to grow my hair again like the folks in the 1880's must have been doing with the product Carboline. I ran across this ad for it in the July 9, 1881 addition of the Ripley Advertiser which was a newspaper in Ripley, Mississippi. Ripley is where my Mama's side of the family is from. I was looking through it for genealogical purposes, but how could I skip reading the "A Chance For Baldheads" headline. Alas, you can't get Carboline anymore. When I googled it I found an entire website devoted to hair tonics. It is a web version of a book titled Hair Raising Stories by Don Fadely. I've swiped one photo from the site to show a Carboline bottle. That should be fair use in my book since I'm linking to his site.