Yeah, yeah I'm a little late in posting this link, but in case you haven't read Kevin Smith's review of Star Wars III: Revenge Of The Sith, here's the link, but I'm warning you - if you don't want spoilers, then run away. I didn't even bother to see the first two prequels to Star Wars, but it's looking like this one is a classic. I guess it's time to dust off the old light saber and get myself to a movie theater.
Dude, The original is 4, Return of the Empire Strikes Back is 5, Jedi is 6. The new ones are 1, 2 &3--It'a all a plot by the empire to screw with your brain.
In defense of Mo's error concerning the Star Wars trilogy - she probably got the details wrong because her mother is going into the hospital today for surgery.
The trilogy is as follows: Star Wars IV I believe is called The or A New Hope (it was always just Star Wars to me), Star Wars 5 - The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars 6 - Return Of The Jedi, Star Wars 1 - The Phantom Menace, and Star Wars 2 - The Clone Wars.
Actually, I just can't proofread.
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