Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Random Thoughts

A realtor came to my door yesterday and asked if I wanted to sell my home as there was no inventory available. Hmmm.....sell you my home and then not be able to find another one. Sounds great, right? 

I saw a meme the other day that showed the world has gone to crap since David Bowie died. It's not that farfetched a theory. 

Principles these days: Neil Young wanted Spotify to remove his songs from their streaming service because of Joe Rogan. I guess it was that Neil disagrees with Joe on the handling of the pandemic. Ok, whatever, it's not like Neil makes money from Spotify. Here's my view: I don't like Joe Rogan. I don't find him funny or informative. I do like Neil Young's music, but don't usually pay much attention to him otherwise. So, sticking to my principles, I will continue to not listen to Joe Rogan and continue to listen to Neil Young, but not on Spotify since I don't use it anyway. I'm taking a stand!! 

Getting back to the idea of selling my home....I think I would do it if I knew I had a nice place in Florida to live, but then I think about alligators and mosquitos the size of 747's and I guess I'll stay where I'm at for now. 

I watched an episode of What's Happening for the first time in many years yesterday. It holds up well. 

That's all for today, but be sure to come back tomorrow as I try to get back into the blogging swing.

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