Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. 2024 is liable to be a crazy year. The best advice for this coming year is probably what John Prine sang in "Spanish Pipedream" way back on his 1971 debut album. "Blow up your TV, Throw away your paper, Go to the country, Build you a home." I haven't made any resolutions, but I do have some general goals. I want to start actually putting my digital recorder to use and get some tunes recorded. I plan on staying off of most social media most of the time, however I will probably keep posting records at my Instagram profile. I plan to go back to being much more picky about what I'm eating like I was way back in 2015. Heck, I was drinking a Yoo-hoo today and noticed it has a bioengineered food ingredient. It's not as though it didn't already contain enough bad things for you. I won't be buying any more of those in the coming year for sure. I'm going to read more books since I have many stacked up beside my bed. That's about it. 

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