Monday, September 26, 2005

I'm Like...

I am most like...

[which freaks and geeks character are you?]

[Take the Freaks and Geeks character quiz]

Yep, I'm most like the girl from Freaks And Geeks. Which wasn't a big surprise. Minus the difference in sexes and everything else connects. Except for the math part. When I was on my high school quiz bowl team and a math question was in the air I always put my pencil down. I was smart, but I had a rep as a burnout when I was a freshman. Some preppie dude in my algebra class would always get up to sharpen his pencil when I would just so he could mutter "Give me some drugs" in my ears. I guess because I wore flannel shirts over concert tees. I liked hanging out with the rock and roll freaks even if I was never really accepted or rejected by any of the numerous cliques that swirl around the halls of suburban high schools to this day.

1 comment:

Wally Bangs said...

Allright, I'm freaking out a little now. Except of course you hate the show.