Monday, September 26, 2005

Rex L. Camino Reveals The Truth

I'd always suspected that Rex L. Camino wasn't what he seemed and he's finally admitted it. It seems he was inspired to reveal the truth about his identity after The Gas Guy's not too surprising revelation that he (gasp!) wasn't really a gas station attendant, but instead was a graduate student in North Carolina. This had caused some consternation to some who think that blogging can't be composed of fiction, but there were many who had suspected The Gas Guy wasn't the whole truth. The dude could write well and it wasn't like he was malicious in his intent. Rex's identity revelation is much more intriguing.


Kleinheider said...

The Gas Guy's not too surprising revelation that he (gasp!) wasn't really a gas station attendant, but instead was a graduate student in North Carolina.

No, you're wrong. Gas Guy is a gas station attendant AND a graduate student. The BIG LIE was that he resides in NC not TN. But he is a Gas Guy.

Wally Bangs said...

I didn't take that he was ever really lying, but just crafting a fictional persona that folks were taking a little too literally. Besides, the real shocker is Rex is Jan Michael Vincent!! :)

Rex L. Camino said...

A weight is off my shoulders. I've spent the last few months worrying that someone would eventually wonder why they haven't seen Rex L. Camino and Jan Michael Vincent in the same place.