Saturday, August 10, 2024

Lucy's Record Shop September 1993 - December 1993

We're up to post number 5 in my quest to share what artists played Lucy's Record Shop in Nashville, Tennessee back in the last century. It was a grand time to be alive filled with rock and roll all ages shows! Now for the customary disclaimer. These listings were compiled from a variety of sources and there is always the possibility that bands cancelled and substitutions were made. If I didn't write about a band you loved you can check other postings as I might have written about them in one of those. 

This time around I'm sharing the monthly calendar first and writing about some of the bands afterward.

2-Sep-93          The Posers, Bent 8PM $3

5-Sep-93          House O' Pain Migraine Matinee: Staring at the Sun, Cranial Vacancy, Uncle Daddy,  Lonely Souls 2PM $5

8-Sep-93          Medicinal Porpoises, Canteen 8PM $2

9-Sep-93          Hellbilly, Hush, Sick-N-Tired 8PM $3

12-Sep-93        House O' Pain Migraine Matinee: Cannibal Holiday, Pulse, Burning Bush 2PM $4        

16-Sep-93        Crop Circle Hoax, Ruby Falls 8PM $3

17-Sep-93        Bloodsucker Records Showcase: Killers & Suckers of Blood, Meateaters, Spray, Medicinal Porpoises, Canteen 8PM $4

19-Sep-93        House O' Pain Migraine Matinee: Dump, Fiddlehead, Love Bucket & Slaphappy Superfly 2PM $4

23-Sep-93        Eunichs of Arizona, Horse of a Different Color 8PM $3

24-Sep-93        Nosie Fest: 9R3R023 live transmission with Rev. Keith A. Gordon & more 8PM $3

26-Sep-93        House O' Pain Migraine Matinee: Jack, American Lesion, The Obvious,Teen Idols 2PM $5

September starts off with some good ole punk rock with The Posers and Bent who hailed from St. Louis per Discogs, but per the Lucy's calendar they were from Virginia. I should buy a big map of the USA and put pins in it of all the towns the artists that played Lucy's Record Shop came from. Cranial Vacancy who were on the September 5th show were from El Cajon, California. The Lonely Souls were from San Diego.

One of my favorite band names since it's a pun is Medicinal Porpoises who are listed as playing Lucy's 3 times in 1993. The first 2 are this month including the Bloodsucker Records showcase on September 17. They would come back in October for the Pogo for Choice benefit. 

Paul Booker photo taken by Matt Swanson from the Nashville Scene tribute

Paul Booker was the main guy with them and he played with many bands over 3 decades. These would include the Wax Dolls, Beyond John, The Last Surviving Dolphins, Medicinal Porpoises, CYOD, Dave Cloud and the Gospel of Power, and Paul Booker and The Dynamite Operators. I'm sure he would still be playing today if hadn't passed away at the age of 49 in 2016 due to lung cancer. There's a great tribute to Paul written by his friend and often bandmate Matt Swanson at the Nashville Scene. Paul's friend Laurel Parton (of future Trauma Team fame) posted a video of the band at Lucy's in 1993. Maybe it's the first one with Canteen. Or that one may be a misprint in the listings and the Bloodsucker Records Showcase would be the show.

Medicinal Porpoises live at Lucy's Record Shop 1993! 

Canteen was another Bloodsucker Records artist. Notable for me was the presence of former Shadow 15 and Dessau musician Barry Nelson. 

September 9 brings the rockabilly of Hellbilly, who like my future band Dragula, has a name that would get used by White Zombie which relegates us way down in the search engine world. The Migraine Matinee for September 12th has Cannibal Holiday, Pulse, and Burning Bush. I don't know anything about the band named Pulse who were from Kentucky, but I'm assumed Burning Bush was the all girl post punk outfit from Arizona. Their last year together was 1993. However the official Lucy's calendar says they hailed from Augusta, Georgia. Was it the same band? Someone let me know in the comments section.

Burning Bush from Arizona 

September 16 sees one of my future favorite bands Crop Circle Hoax and Ruby Falls.  Ruby Falls was a math rock band from New York who typically also had an all girl lineup like Burning Bush, but not always. Here's a sample tune for you that was released later on in 1996. 

Ruby Falls - Amended released in 1996

There's the Bloodsucker Records showcase next followed a couple of days later by a Migraine Matinee. Reference September 17 and 19 for those bands. This is as good a place as any to say: I just don't have the time to go over every date. If you love an artist I've skipped leave a comment about them and let myself and the world know about them. It might even be fodder for a future post just about them. Let's just finish September off with a show I saw since it was a Sunday Migraine Matinee.  Jack, American Lesion, The Obvious, and the Teen Idols rocked out on September 26, 1993. Don't fret Teen Idols fans, I will be posting videos of them at Lucy's in a future post.

The Obvious - Home released in 1987

American Lesion - Tacorama

jack - Take it Out

2-Oct-93          The Posers, Fun Girls from Mt. Pilot, Load 3PM $4

3-Oct-93          House O' Pain Migraine Matinee: Janitor Joe, Hammerhead 3PM $5

7-Oct-93          Drift, Cyco Moto Goat, Blue Million 8PM $3

9-Oct-93          Pogo for Choice - A Planned Parenthood Benefit: Bedwetter, 9R3R023, For Kate's Sake, Helo Kitty, Lambchop, Medicinal Porpoises, Canteen 2PM $5

10-Oct-93        House O' Pain Migraine Matinee: Power Trip, Finger Hut, The Used 2PM $4

14-Oct-93        Neer Do Wells, Jack'O'Nuts 8PM $3

16-Oct-93        Lambchop, Guided By Voices 8PM $4

17-Oct-93        House O' Pain Migraine Matinee: Needles, Stale Fish, Shatterkin Clover, Godplow 2PM $5

21-Oct-93        Sister Karrie, Scooby Don't, Piss Factory 8PM $3

24-Oct-93        House O' Pain Migraine Matinee: Thee Phantom 5ive, Uncle Daddy, Man or Astro-Man? 2PM $4

28-Oct-93        Karl Hendricks Trio, Smog 8PM $3

29-Oct-93        Tidy Bowl Benefit with Poppy Trail, Crop Circle Hoax, Dump, Who Hit John, Idaho Beach House, Love Bucket & Slaphappy Superfly A.A. 7PM $5

30-Oct-93        Tidy Bowl Benefit with For Kate's Sake, 9R023R, Lambchop, Staring at the Sun, Cannibal Holiday, Excruciating Pain 7PM $5

31-Oct-93        Tidy Bowl Benefit with Jack, Ball Peen Hernia, Fun Girls from Mt. Pilot, Copout, Teen Idols, Five-Eight 3PM $4

October comes in with some punk rock by The Posers, Fun Girls from Mt. Pilot, and Load who were from south Florida. They had a Melvins vibe which was cool. House O' Pain put out their "Sleestack" 45. There's even an hour plus long documentary on the group available currently at YouTube.

Load - Sleestack released in 1993

The Migraine Matinee on October 3rd has a couple of Minnesota bands that were on the great noise rock record label Amphetamine Reptile. Janitor Joe is probably most known now for being Kristen Pfaff's first band before joining Hole in 1993. I believe she may have still been touring with Janitor Joe at this time, but I'm not sure. Hammerhead had that Midwestern Big Black type stomping sound. They could make a lot of loud noise with only 3 guys. Janitor Joe was also just a trio and they had a monster tone with Kristen's bass being a key component part of the whole. It's a shame she died of a heroin overdose in 1994 at the age of 27. 

Janitor Joe - Steel Plate 4/13/93 Tampa

October 7, 1993 is a night I can't turn much up on, but I know Blue Million was a band David Mead was in so I would think this night was more in the alternative college pop rock vein. Pogo for Choice benefit was next on the calendar with lots of local artists including the almost ever present Lambchop. Finger Hut (their name would be spelled all kinds of ways) comes back for their 2nd Lucy's show for a matinee with The Used. No, this isn't The Used from Utah that went on to fame. It's basically most of Superdrag having some fun. You can hear some of this stuff at Bandcamp if you so inclined. It's fun punk stuff.

Next up was one of those almost odd pairings as you get Lookout Records roots rocking Ne'er Do Wells and Athens, Georgia noise rockers Jack'O'Nuts on October 14th. The big concert of October arrives on October 16th with the by now obligatory Lambchop opening for (drumroll please) the Dayton, Ohio powerhouse Guided By Voices. I wanted to be at this one. I really did, but I was still working at Wal-Mart and couldn't get out of my shift. I was already addicted to their music thanks to Mary Mancini stocking their records at Lucy's. I wonder if the place was packed on this Saturday night. Let me know if you saw this show. Did Lambchop lull you to sleep before GBV tore the roof off the place? Maybe you first fell in love with Lambchop instead. Here's a video of GBV live just a couple of months before of their first concert ever in Philadelphia. Damn, it's great!

GBV - live at the Khyber 8/7/1993

October 17, 1993 we get a cool Migraine Matinee with Needles, Stale Fish, Shatterkin Clover, and the return of Godplow who had played Lucy's 4 times before. I couldn't dig up anything on Needles or Shatterkin Clover, but there's a whole concert by Missouri punkers Stale Fish from 1991 at YouTube. They put out a 7 inch on Sour Note Records in 1993. One neat thing about them is that the drummer was the singer for the trio. 


Scooby Don't is another incredible band name. They come to town on October 21 hailing from the state of Minnesota. I bet they were way better than Relativity Records artist Piss Factory that headlined. 

Scooby Don't - Trailer Park Queen released in 1993

October 24, 1993 is a bill with bands my own band, Dragula, would end up doing shows with. More on Thee Phantom 5ive, Uncle Daddy, and Man or Astro-Man? to come in upcoming posts. Pittsburgh band the Karl Hendricks Trio open for Smog on October 28th. There was lots of trios at Lucy's during this time. The Karl Hendricks Trio played post punk and would probably still be at it if the namesake and only consistent member of the band Karl Hendricks not passed away in 2017. 

Karl Hendricks Trio live at the 9:30 Club, Washington D.C. January 1993

Smog was a group put together by Bill Callahan. This night is in a close race for best show of the month with the GBV one. Callahan and Robert Pollard get compared often due to their prolific natures. 

Smog - A Hit live at Bay State Hotel 10/17/93

Things were going great at Lucy's Record Shop with interesting new music coming in from all over the country to perform all-ages shows. It was a safe and welcoming place, but the government was casting its baleful eyes at the space. As was mentioned in my first calendar post on Lucy's Record Shop there was a history of all-ages clubs being shut down by the Metro Nashville government. The truncheon that would be used in this case was the plumber's friend AKA a plunger. The bathroom situation was not sufficient and unless this was fixed the plug would be pulled on Lucy's being a music venue. Donnie Kendall and Mary Mancini put their heads together and came up with a couple of fundraising nights branded the Tidy Bowl Benefits held on October 30th and on Halloween. Regular Lucy's bands performed and the money was raised to install the needed porcelain shrines. All of this would be done by Donnie and friends. The Lucy's Record Shop group at Facebook has several photos documenting the process which I will share at the end of this post. There would be no shows in December 1993 due to the construction work, but there was a magical night on November 6th with Lambchop, Canteen, Versus, and Tsunami. Wally Pleasant would do an in-store on November 12th. 

6-Nov-93         Lambchop, Canteen, Versus, Tsunami 8:30PM $5

12-Nov-93       Wally Pleasant in-store show 8PM $5

Tsunami - In a Name live 8/11/93 at Brave New World, San Francisco, CA

11/13/93 the work begins

As you can see Donnie and the crew were still hard at it on New Year's Eve. Their dedication and hard work paid off though as Lucy's Record Shop as a venue would reopen on January 14, 1994. Be patient and I'll go over who played from January through March of 1994 in a my next Lucy's calendar post. If you're lucky I will get that one out before the end of September. Feel free to leave comments. While I do have to approve them before they are published I usually only reject them if they are spam or just really rude.

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