Saturday, April 11, 2020

When Giant Easter Bunnies Ruled The Earth

I was looking through old newspapers when I came across this ad instructing parents to "bring the kids to see our giant bunny" and I was intrigued and frightened by the thought of a ten foot tall Lucky Bunny handing out eggs to children at Jackson Heights Plaza back in 1969. Normal human sized bunnies were scary enough to me when I was a child and sorta still freak me out. I couldn't imagine the terror a ten foot tall one could inspire.

Then I thought back to last Christmas when I shared all of the old Christmas Eve advertisements and since that was a popular post I figured I would do an Easter one this time. I wanted to go from 1969 to 1979, but that was too much. It was kinda like thinking I would eat the whole chocolate bunny and then only could get down to its waist. So we begin with just this one 1969 blurb and then go through 1975 and if you stick around to the end you'll get a glimpse of the Lucky Bunny from when giant Easter bunnies ruled the earth.

1969 Lucky Bunny is coming to Jackson Heights Plaza

1970 Holloway's would use this imagery for multiple years.

1971 Clarks was my favorite store
 Hoppy The Bunny would be at Clarks...I don't think Hoppy was ten feet tall.

1971 Roses was where smart bunnies shop and save. 
Note: local Bozo The Clown was appearing there on Saturday before Easter.

1972 you know you need smoked ham.

1972 Frank's IGA was our store since we could walk to it.

1972 I still remember Gibson's funky vibe.

1973 Colorful foods from Dixie Foods

1973 Fred's was cool when it was on the square

1973 Mercury Plaza always put on big promotions
Note: the Rutherford County Square Dancers would be on hand

1973 Super D using W. C. Fields's image 

1973 Big K Easter Sale

1974 Kent's wants you to hop in & save!

1974 Get your fuel at Ole Taylor's Candy Kitchen

1974 Pigg & Parsons and all the Dacron polyester money can buy.

1974 Rays Pet Shop with chicks and bunnies!

1975 JCPenney always had a pre-Easter clearance.

1975 Jerry's with an affordable Easter Dinner.

1975 Swan-Son at Mercury Plaza.

Now, for the moment you've been waiting for: the reveal of the ten foot tall Lucky Bunny from Easter week in 1969 that terrorized Jackson Heights Plaza Shopping Center shoppers.

Well....that's a bit of a letdown unless you happened to be some of those lucky shoppers back then that got lucky eggs with prize winning numbers inside. Finally, one more ad from another store long gone and one I dearly miss.


Soulfish Stew will not be closed tomorrow. A Sunday Showcase review will be going up per regular schedule.....I do them weeks before they post per schedule. 

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