Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve Newspaper Advertisements 1970-1979

Here's an assortment of old newspaper advertisements from Murfreesboro's Daily News Journals from 1970-1979. All are taken from the Christmas Eve editions or if the paper didn't come out on Christmas Eve the ads were from the day before. When I started looking through the papers I got excited about a pattern I saw developing: Santa Claus and grocery shopping carts. But this trend stopped only a few years into the decade until there's a new version where Santa is buying something you couldn't get from a grocery store. Advertisements from Frank's IGA Foodliner 1970, Cooper and Martin 1972, Fuller Foods 1972, and House of Paneling 1979. Consider these bonus goodies.

Now that Santa Clause has plenty of grub and some paneling let's begin looking at an ad per year. Our 1970 advertisement is John's Gas & Oil which was located on Bridge Avenue. I believe the Sunshine Square now takes up the lot where this gas station was located. It's a really nice ad with the tree atop the station.

Our 1971 advertisement is for the Holiday Inn Restaurant where you can have Christmas Dinner in their restaurant. Interstate 24 had not been open long and it was probably quite the treat to eat dinner there. The very first Holiday Inn was opened in Memphis in 1952. The "Great Sign" seen in the ad became iconic. I wish they still used those signs. 

Our 1972 advert is from the now defunct burger chain Burger Chef. I don't know the exact date the Burger Chef in Murfreesboro closed, but it was still open in 1977. Happy Burger and Hardees were my burger choices back in the early 70's so I don't have any real memories of Burger Chef, but some of my friends do and they lament the chain is no longer around. 

The Hub Store on the Square gives us a warm and fuzzy message in 1973. It surprises me that boots are not mentioned. Their ads on local radio station WGNS 1450 AM always touted their sale of "boots, boots, boots..." and anyone who grew up in Murfreesboro remember those ads narrated by Jerry "Pee Wee" Brown. I think an opportunity was perhaps missed with Santa Claus getting his boots from The Hub. The Hub always creeped me out as a kid since they had wolf headed mannequins. 

I believe the Town and Country Market in this 1974 ad was located at 1629 Bradyville Pike where the ATM USA Mart is at today. I remember buying pro wrestling magazines there in the early 80's. 

This 1975 advertisement is for Counts Gulf service station and tire store. I believe a Wilson Bank & Trust is on the property now. It would perhaps become better known as Larry Counts Tire Store. 

Here's a bonus ad from 1975 for Mercury Plaza. It turns the plaza into a Christmas village. 

I'm sure it's my imagination, but it seems like businesses in the past seemed more appreciative of their patrons as this ad for Big K in 1976 emphasizes. Big K was one of the two department stores my parents shopped the most since we lived on that side of Murfreesboro. The other store was Clarks. 

It's 1977 and Skynet approaches with automated tellers springing up everywhere since the late Sixties. Murfreesboro Bank And Trust (later Mid-South and then later Sun Trust) has this alcohol drink name inspired Harvey WallBanker. Get it? Just like Harvey WallBanger except perhaps without the vodka. Harvey wouldn't close for Christmas. He was ready 24 hours a day. I believe he ran off with Tammy The Timeless Teller from Third National Bank.

Our 1978 advertisement is a simple one from Don's Kitchen Korner. 

We'll end this Christmas Eve post with this delightful 1979 ad for Hot Wheels Arena skating rink. I've written about roller skating many times at this blog and while Hot Wheels closed long ago I'm sure you can find a local place to skate even now. It would be a good thing to do over the holidays if you have the time. Since it's Christmas Eve I'll be hanging out at home waiting on the roast beast to be done, then my children will open their Christmas pajamas, make hot cocoa, and watch The Charlie Brown Christmas Special on DVD. Merry Christmas to you. 


Star said...

Fun ads. Brought back good memories.:-)

Wally Bangs said...

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.