Monday, November 22, 2004

Swiching Sides To The Blogfather - revisited

Man, somehow my original blogfather post was deleted. That's what I get for trying to post from the local library here in Smithville. They're great folks, but their computers are a bit of a chore to do things on. Anyways - I pledge allegiance to the blogfather - Glenn Reynolds and the Axis of Naughty. It only seems right since I'm also a member of Rocky Top Brigade.

Of course I forgot to check the cache at Google. Here's the original post again:

Switching Sides To The Blogfather
Of course, how can you switch sides if you never were a member of the Alliance? Friends and relatives all know that I have been an Instapundit junkie for quite some time so it really makes no sense for me to want to oppose Glenn Reynolds and his greatness. Plus he's a Tennessee homeboy and a member of the Rocky Top Brigade like myself. So I am now declaring myself a member (if they'll have me) of the Axis Of Naughty. I now see that my outreach to the Alliance in a feeble attempt to improve my bolgosphere status was not right, spiritually or mentally. I feel a whole lot better about myself now.

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