Monday, November 27, 2023

Weirdness Flows Between Us

So, even though I've complained and said I was leaving I am still on Facebook. I belong to several groups that I enjoy which is the main reason I'm still around, but even some of those are now giving me pause to think.....just what the heck is the deal with people? 

Here's an example for you: the daughter of a couple of stars from a children's show in the 1970's started a group to remember the show. Her parents are still alive so they pop in from time to time for live chats. I never participate in those. I don't have the time. The weirdness in this case is that people are constantly posting photos of themselves as children back in the 70's. I have tons of photos of myself from back then that I have on my personal page limited only to friends, but I just can't imagine just throwing those out into a general group. Do people do it to show they actually were alive back then and caught the television show when it first aired? I don't know. It's a mystery to me. 

I'm in another group dedicated to a 1970's drama that aired on ABC. One of the stars of the show is a group member too. So this person is tagged 3 or 4 times a day with questions. That gets tiresome to me. I can't imagine how they feel. Even worse, people will post the same things over and over again. I will say, at least most of the participants aren't too argumentative which is the downfall of almost any group on Facebook. People will argue just to argue. Indisputable facts will be disputed. 

Then there are the groups I'm in where people just seem to want to show off the junk they've bought. Look at me, I just got a complete run of the books we love for just one penny. I got this discarded Eames chair on the sidewalk for nothing! I'm happy for these folks, but at the same time I know I'll never run into the great bargains they've found. I'm not being negative, I'm just being real. I don't have the time or luck to find such things. If I did though, I doubt I would share photos bragging about it. 

I generally only share old newspaper articles and photos. Which are sometimes well received. Sometimes they are met with indifference or even scorn. Social media is a strange and mostly sad place. Yet, it's so noisy too. Everybody vying to share and be heard. Am I the only one that gets exhausted scrolling through? Big changes are ahead for me and my consumption of social media. I'm winding down my look back at my senior year of high school through the end of 1985. I got that same respiratory ailment that most of America seems to have right now, so I've missed some posting of that era, but it's okay. I will have a few more of those posts, plus the end of the Cinema's first run movie era. Beyond that, it will be mostly random posts here and there. My plan for 2024 is to work on my own music and forget the rest. 

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