Thursday, March 17, 2005

South Park Last Night

I hope everybody got a chance to see the exemplary episode of South Park, “Die Hippie Die” last night. It began with Cartman at some grandmotherly lady’s home telling her that he thought her house needed exterminating. For hippies! Sure enough, he found some in the attic and a drum circle in the back yard. Pretty soon all of South Park was run over with hippies, but nobody will listen to Cartman about the dangers of them. “They’re not human, they’re hippies!” He tries to prevent the town from letting the hippies have a jam band festival to no avail – the police throw Cartman in jail because he was keeping about 60 hippies locked up in his basement. Just as Cartman predicts the hippie jam band festival gets out of hand and soon the townspeople are begging Cartman to save them. You can watch yourselves when it repeats this weekend. Make sure you don’t miss it as there are some great social observations skillfully placed into the show, most about how a bunch of dirty, filthy, penniless, hippies aren’t about to change the world just by attending a rock concert. Funny stuff.




NotClauswitz said...

Damn, sometimes I wish we had cable, or something like it...

Wally Bangs said...

You'd think you wouldn't need cable TV in the Silicon Valley. Shouldn't it be all free wireless out there in Cali? You would have definitely enjoyed the episode Dirtcrashr. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

I hate South Park and I have to admit this one was funny.