Monday, March 21, 2005

Take The Rugrats Bowling

I spent Saturday attending two Easter egg hunts. Then I took the rugrats bowling on Sunday. The wife and I are now officially pooped. The bowling party was fun - one of Emmy's many little boyfriends was having a birthday party - but man did the bowling alley stink. The accumulated smoke smell of thousands of cigarettes was just inescaple in that place. I've become just super sensitive to the smell since I quite smoking years ago. Emmy won in the group she was with; bowling a 100 (with the bumpers up). Afterwards her little boyfriend won her a necklace out of one of the claw machines. I seem to recall thinking all girls were yucky and had cooties when I was 6 years old, but times change. Plus as her mother says: Emmy is everything a boy could want - blonde, beautiful, and bossy. I'll probably have a nervous breakdown when she reaches her teenage years.

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