Sunday, July 26, 2020

Ask Showcase - 10 Years Worth Of Questions

I put some effort into these Sunday Showcase reviews. I try not to look at the same year until after 12 posts have happened - basically 3 months until you might get the same year. So my options become somewhat limited and that is what happened to this week's review. I looked through some possible years and didn't find much that interested me. So I'm changing it up this week and instead of the usual review of an issue I'm bringing you 10 years of Ask Showcase questions spanning the years 1976-1985. It would be difficult for people under the age of 30 perhaps to understand how difficult it was to obtain information in the past. One couldn't just pop a request into a search engine, ask Siri, or ask Alexa. Real research which meant a trip to a library or more would have to be done. And then there was those questions that ended up becoming disagreements with a friend or loved one about who sang a song or acted in a role with those disagreements becoming actual monetary bets. Ask Showcase was there for those folks. A simple letter and if you were lucky, in a few weeks time, you'd get your answer. So here's 10 years of those kinds of questions. Thanks Ask Showcase!

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