Friday, July 17, 2020

Film Flashback July 17, 1939

Today's film flashback is a very brief one. You had one choice on July 17, 1939 and that was Broadway Serenade which starred Jeanette MacDonald. It was showing at the Princess Theatre. 22,000,000 million people can't be wrong! 

I only know one way to sing

Over and over again

That was it for movies playing, but there was this awesome advertisement for Warner Bros. and Chesterfield cigarettes featuring the 4 stars of Daughters Courageous; Gale Page, Lola Lane, Rosemary Lane, and Priscilla Lane. In case you were wondering, yes, the Lane's were sisters.

Moby Dick is an imaginary character invented by an author

Are you a natural blonde?

That's it for this regular weekly film flashback, but I'm back tomorrow for another bonus installment as I go back to 1976 so I can wax rhapsodic about Walter Matthau and Tatum O'Neal.

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