Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Get Off My Lawn

I don't know if I ever had a parent yell "Get off my lawn!" at me when I was a child. As long time readers of this blog know I've lived in many places while growing up and would bounce from city to countryside like a pinball. When I did live in town I'd often walk across lawns of neighborhood homes with nobody noticing or caring. So it makes me wonder why the expression has grown so popular over the years. Maybe, boomer children were big offenders of lawn abuse. Wikipedia gives David Letterman the credit for popularizing the term. Anyways, as I grow into my dotage I feel like screaming the term often, but not at people lazing on my lawn, but as just a general term of outrage. 

Make a phone call about car insurance and have to sit through 2-5 minutes of computerized nonsense: Get off my lawn!!

Belong to a handful of interesting Facebook groups (and the only reason you even still visit the site), and even though they are private you find they are inundated with SPAM: Get off my lawn!

Have people dispute facts with you about dates in the past even though you have proof of your assertion: Get off my lawn!

Your Roku streaming device tells you your WIFI signal is excellent, but still can't connect: Get off my lawn!

And by now you are probably sick of hearing me complain. Well, tell me to get off your lawn and close the page. 

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