Saturday, November 19, 2022

November 19, 1984 (Revisiting the Past)

I'm going back through what comprised my senior year of high school and first semester of college in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Come along for the ride. New posts every day or so mixed in with other things.

November 19, 1984. It was a Monday, but on the bright side there was going to be a Leave It to Beaver marathon on Channel 30 that night. 

This Monday would also be the day of the mystery assault on my Quiz Bowl sponsor English teacher Becky Hofstetter. My memory is hazy on when we would come to school early to practice Quiz Bowl in her classroom, but I'm pretty sure it was Tuesday and Thursdays, but it may have been that we came to school early on Mondays too. Ms. Hofstetter would not be there on the 19th. Her English class was my first class of the day too so I never missed Quiz Bowl team practices. We would arrive around 7AM in the morning so I would guess we didn't have practice on that date as this provided an opportunity for someone to assault her on this day. I don't recall if the news was out before school ended or she told us the subsequent day. The article is from the November 20, 1984 Daily News Journal. I was glad that Ms. Hofstetter was okay as she was a great teacher. There were many rumors afterwards on who the culprit was that committed the cowardly act ranging from students to even teachers and it is a great mystery that I believe was never solved. So, if anyone knows anything or perhaps wants to confess all these years later let me know. Ms. Hofstetter passed away in 2016 at the age of 68. 


Anonymous said...

Sad to hear she passed. One of my favorite teachers of all time. I still use her phrase “why state the obvious.”

Wally Bangs said...

Becky was the best.