Monday, September 19, 2022

Cotton Patch ads

There's not much happening in the chronicle of my 84/85 senior year of high school diary so how about some of the best advertising that ever ran in the Daily News Journal and Rutherford Courier.  I will probably actually do a real blog post on The Cotton Patch which was a woman's clothing, shoes, and accessories store that was located in Jackson Heights Plaza. The clothes sold there would most likely be called "preppy" and that's a style of clothes (and lifestyle) that has always fascinated me. I always adored girls that dressed preppy although they were typically way out of my class. There's something cool about the high quality of The Cotton Patch ads plus I'm pretty sure the models were local ladies from middle Tennessee. These are just a few of many I've clipped as I do plan to write a story on the store sometime. These ads all come from 1978.

April 30, 1978

May 7, 1978

May 21, 1978

May 28, 1978

June 1, 1978

August 20, 1978

August 27, 1978

September 10, 1978

September 17, 1978

October 1, 1978

October 8, 1978

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