Monday, December 12, 2022

Internet Fatigue Social Media Disease

Wow, it's another day with 2 blog posts! Although this one is a bit negative. I don't know if it's due to my advancing middle age or just a general ennui I feel, but I suspect the internet may be behind it all. I'm on a computer all day at work and then I come home and jump right on another one. I check my Instagram where I post often and then I check Twitter where I hardly ever post other than to complain about mundane junk. I've met lots of awesome people over the years and you can't really exist without the net these days......still.....I am bummed out more often than thrilled these days. 

The problem is what to do about it? Do I just shut it off 1 day a week or do I get much more selective in my time? I have this recounting of my senior year of high school that is ongoing and movie listings of the Martin with the Cinema One and Two coming so I can't just shut it all down completely. I'm thinking a complete walk away from Twitter and Instagram would be a start. What do you few readers of this blog think? I'm stuck in a rut of monumental proportions and to quote one of the best poets of the last 50 years, I need some new kicks, one's like you ain't ever seen. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Giving yourself a ‘day off’ from some of the social media sounds like a good option. Sometimes it helps to take a short break and let the mind unclutter.