Saturday, August 26, 2023

August 26, 1985 (Revisiting the Past)

I'm going back through what comprised my senior year of high school and first semester of college in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Come along for the ride. New posts every day or so mixed in with other things.

August 26, 1985. My freshman year at Middle Tennessee State University was beginning. I had decided on a Mass Communication major. I can barely remember my classes these days. I took English 101, Introduction to Mass Communication, Typing, History, and something else. Maybe I'll go dig my transcript up. I know my final grades would end up being F's after I quit going midway through the semester in all classes save English and that one stayed incomplete for some time until the teacher (she wasn't a professor) decided I was never going to turn in my final paper. I did end up getting a Bachelor's degree eventually, but it would be a few years before I went back. What happened during this washout of a semester. I'll fill you with some details in a future post. 

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